IsaDora Spring Ray Of Light Collection: Swatches and Review
I have those IsaDora Ray Of Light spring collection swatches to show you guys today! I have quite a lot of pictures, because these pretties were quite hard to capture and I still think they do look better in real life than in any pictures. But before I show you those pics, I want to say quickly couple things, so I don't have to repeat them with all the polishes.
I did three coats of each polish and all the swatches are without base or top coat. These are quite sheer ones, so even with three coats there was still some visible nail line, but as these are so light colored, that didn't really bother me. Also the nail line looks stronger in the pictures than what it really was, as in real life these polishes reflect the light so well that you couldn't see that nail line so much. These were all had really nice formula and that IsaDora wide brush makes it a breeze to apply the polish. But now I'll let the pictures do the talking!
Dragonfly - light green pastel that IsaDora says has a touch of lime green.
Glorious - this would probably look really good with a darker or more tanned skin! IsaDora says this is a bit of champagne and peach in a mix, I'd say that sounds about right.
Halo - the white one with a neat little duochrome-ish touch. IsaDora says this is a soft shimmerling white.
Opaline - really sweet light pink pastel that IsaDora describes aptly as soft, light pink.
Ray Of Light - the namesake of the collection, this one leans just slightly towards purple, and as IsaDora says it, this has luminous light purple pigments.
I also thought these might look nice layered over some other color. First I tried them over white, but they all basically look the same, really pretty but really similar. Over black they look like this:
From left to right these are Dragonfly, Halo, Glorious, Opaline and Ray Of Light. Here you can see maybe a bit better that at least three of the colors (Dragonfly, Halo and Ray Of Light) have a slight color shift.
It was really hard to choose a favourite from this collection as they really are quite similar. I'd say my favourites are probably Halo and Opaline, just because they suited my skintone the best and I loved that little color shift in Halo. These are all really great ones and you can't honestly go wrong which ever you choose from these.
The bottom line is though that these are also so very similar, so you don't really need them all. The best way to choose is probably to pick the one or two that you think will suit your skintone the best. Also, I just want to remind you that the glow in these doesn't really translate to pictures, so you should definately go check these out in a store if you can!
*I have gotten these polishes for review. For more information see my disclosure policy.
Tänään esittelyssä IsaDoran keväisen Ray Of Light kokoelman kaikki viisi lakkaa. Kuvia otin todella runsaasti ja silti näiden kauneus ei jotenkin välity harmittavasti kuvista. Kaikkia lakkoja on kuvissa kolme kerrosta ilman alus- tai päällyslakkaa. Laadultaan lakat olivat todella hyviä ja IsaDoran leveä sivellin tekee lakan levittämisestä superhelppoa.
Omaa suosikkia näiden lakkojen joukosta oli hieman hankala valita, mutta sanoisin silti omiksi lemppareiksi Halon ja Opalinen. Ne molemmat sopivat omaan ihonsävyyni parhaiten ja tykkäsin kovasti myös Halon kevyestä duochromemaisuudesta.
Lakat ovat sen verran samanlaisia, että kaikkia tuskin tarvitsee, eli kannattaa varmasti valita se sävy tai sävyt, jotka miellyttävät eniten ja sopivat parhaiten omaan ihon sävyyn. Kuten jo todettua, lakkojen hehku ei oikein kuvista välity, joten näitä kannattaa käydä ehdottomasti hypistelemässä jossakin paikan päällä. Ainakin Sokoksiin on jo IsaDoran kevätkokoelmat tulleet.