Summery Nail Art Striping Tape Tutorial
It's the middle of the winter, but I have a quite summery nail design to show you guys today. I got a request to my Essie giveaway from one of my reader to do a summery nail art design with orange and yellow, as she had bought Zoya Amy and Kerry and wanted to something nice with those two polishes. I don't unfortunately own either of those two polishes, but I took the ones that where even somewhat close from my stash and ended up with orange and gold instead of yellow.
I have also received several requests for nail art tutorials, so I decided to do one about this manicure.
So here's what you'll need to do this:
a base coat
(I used KBShimmer Basic Training)
two polishes
(preferably ones that cover really well, but I chose China Glaze Riveting and OPI GoldenEye as I thought they were the closest ones in my stash to those two Zoya polishes)
top coat
(preferably a quick drying one, I used Mereneid Top It All Top Coat)
striping tape
(they are really useful for removing those striping tapes)
The design is really simple and easy to do. Just remember to do one nail at the time as you'll need to remove those striping tapes as soon as possible to get them off neatly. Also, if you use sheer polishes like I did, you'll have to use quite thick coats and if you need to use two coat, you'll have to paint those coats right after one another as you don't want the polish to dry out at all before removing those tapes.
I think this was a great idea and the manicure turned out to be really nice! I hope you all enjoyed the little tutorial also! If you have any questions about the desing or how to do it, feel free to ask!
Also, Lisa, if you are reading this, I really hope you liked this design eventhough I used a gold polish instead of the yellow. :)
I don't know if you all have seen this already, but I copied the great idea for all my striping tapes:
I already shared this picture in Instagram and I don't really know who's idea this was originally, but I love it! It makes it so much easier to use those striping tapes and more importantly you don't loose the end of that tape.
Tänään vuorossa hieman erikoisempaa herkkua tässä blogissa, nimittäin tutoriaali! Tutoriaalipyyntöjä on arvonnassa tullut useampia, eli koitan jatkossa saada aikaiseksi näitä vähän useamminkin.
Tätä kyseistä lakkausta lähdin toteuttamaan lukijan pyynnöstä ja tarkoitus oli saada aikaiseksi jonkinlainen kesäinen lakkaus keltaisella ja oranssilla. Lakoiksi valitsin China Glazen Rivetingin ja OPIn GoldenEyen (joka tosin on ennemmin kultainen kuin keltainen), koska ne olivat lähimpänä toivojan mainitsemia Zoyan Amya ja Kerrya, joita minulta ei valitettavasti löydy kumpaakaan. Päädyin tekemään lakoilla suht helpohkon teippimanikyyrin, josta tuli itseasiassa varsin hauskan näköinen!
Jos tutoriaalista tai toteutuksesta on jotakin kysyttävää, kysykää ihmeessä! Lopuksi piti vielä esitellä vihdoin järjestykseen saadut teipit. En tiedä kenen keksimä idea tämä on alunperin, mutta se on aivan loistava! Eipä tarvitse etsiä teipin päätä enää ikinä ja kaikki ovat vielä kätevästi tuossa samassa telineessä.