Comparison: Zoya Payton, Orly Miss Conduct, OPI DS Extravagance and Zoya Aurora

I have a quick comparison post for you guys today! I have heard people say over and over again that they have for example OPI DS Extravagance so they don't need Zoya Payton or Aurora or Orly Miss Conduct as they are all so similar. I happen to have all those four polishes so I needed to see myself if they were really that close and if I really needed them all.

Here I have three coats of each polish on my nails with a coat of top coat. They are all a bit sheer ones, so you'll get full coverage with three coats, though maybe two would be enough for shorter nails (especially with Payton and Miss Conduct). They are quite similar, but none of these are nowhere near dupes, they are more like little nail polish sisters. DS Extravagance and Miss Conduct have quite similar consistency, they have pretty much similar holographic effect and same amount of those holographic particles in them in the same size, but they are quite different colorwise. Payton has larger and fewer holographic particles in it and Aurora has the same type of particles, but way more. I could have also included Zoya Blaze to this comparison, but it's even more red toned than Miss Conduct, so it's not dupe either for any of these polishes.

Colorwise, I think, these are different enough. I love this type of color, so at least for now I think I'm going to keep all these as I can't really figure out which one I would prefer more than other. They all have similar quality and formula, so I can't really choose any favourites based on those aspects either. If you're not such a big fan of purple/pink scattered holo, then you'll probably do just fine with one or two of these.

Do you guys own any of these polishes? Which one is your favourite and do you think they are all different enough?

*I have gotten Zoya Payton originally for review, other three I have bought myself. For more information see my disclosure policy.

Tänään pikaisessa vertailussa on neljä kaunokaista: Zoyan Payton ja Aurora, Orlyn Miss Conduct ja OPI DS Extravagance. Näitä kaikkia neljää lakkaa on usein sanottu suht samanlaisiksi, ja kun minulta sattuu ne kaikki löytymään, niin päätinpä heittää ne pikaisesti kynsille ja katsoa, ovatko ne minusta oikeasti tarpeeksi erilaiset ja tarvitsenko ylipäätään ne kaikki.

Dupeja (eli täysin samanlaisia) lakkoja näistä eivät keskenään ole mitkään. Värisävyltään kaikki ovat erilaisia ja holopartikkelien koko ja määrä vaihtelee myös. Kaikki peittävät hyvin kolmella kerroksella, kaksi saattaisi riittää lyhyemmille kynsille, ja koostumus on näissä melko samanlainen kaikissa. 

Ovatko nämä teidän mielestänne tarpeeksi erilaisia vai liian samanlaisia? Löytyykö teiltä näitä lakkoja ja mikä on suosikkinne?

*Zoyan Payton on saatu alunperin arvioitavaksi, muut kolme lakkaa olen ostanut itse.