Beauty Presentation at Sokos and meeting with beauty bloggers
Last November we had a get-together with local nail enthusiasts which included a really fun beauty presentation at local department store Sokos Joensuu. Last saturday I had the pleasure the attend another beauty presentation at Sokos, this time with local beauty bloggers. We had the same two lovely beauty specialists giving us the presentation and we got to learn quite a bit about current seasonal looks, skin care, make-up and other beauty products.
Among other things we learned about Guerlain's spring collection (some Lancome blushers in front), Essie and Maybelline nail polishes, Escada's Born In Paradise and Dior's spring collection.
The presentation started with some tips and tricks for skin care in the winter time. I was especially intrigued about that Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask and those Eye Contour gel and creams.
Of course the nail polishes were the ones that interested me the most! The collection that Essie has currently in the stores here is the gorgeous winter collection (which you can btw still win from my giveaway, click here!). Also we got to see some brand new Maybelline ColorShow Crystallize polishes.
Those three Essies on the bottom left are from the Luxeffects collection.
Here's some close-ups of those Maybelline polishes:
Then we got to see some gorgeous spring make-up shades:
These are all from Guerlain. Especially those two Météorites Bubble Blushes looked really gorgeous!
Then these are all from Lancome. That cute Blush Highlighter seemed like a really interesting product and the casing was so cute with that bow and all.
Dior's spring collection had the cutest pastel colors! This really made me want spring here immediately, this was so cute!
I've never had a single Dior eyeshadow and I don't think I have ever even tested one. These look really cute with those prints and all, but I was a bit surprised as the pigment in these weren't as strong as I would have thought. The colors were gorgeous though and I'm sure they'll work better with primer and all that stuff.
I've also never had any Dior nail polishes, maybe someday? These all looked really pretty and very appropriate for spring.
It was so much fun to learn about all the products, especially as we also got to try them out. MariaGlow from Dazzling Glow took this picture where AnneDeadly and Mizz Annie are in the middle of testing all the products.
After the beauty presentation we all enjoyed a nice dinner at local restaurant and after that we continued the eveining at MariaGlow's place.
We went trough Maria's stash, swapped and sold and bought some products from each other and just hang out. Maria was so kind that she had those little gifts for everybody!
Maria had also prepared us some really nice snacks and dessert!
Sokos gave us all little something when we left from there:
We all got a really cute small Clarins bag and a sample of Escada Born In Paradise.
And in the Clarins' bag there was a Eye Make-Up Remover and a mascara. We also got a Clarins booklet.
This is what I got from that small gift from Maria: Clarins HydraQuench Cream and sample of Christina Aguilera's Eau De Parfum. I've only used some face cleansing products from Clarins before this, so it's really awesome that I got this cream!
Mizz Annie had gotten Livbox to sponsor out event, so everyone got also January's Livboxes to take home. I already had one as I had ordered it myself, but it was great to have another one as there were quite many products that I liked in this box.
It was so much fun to meet some local beauty bloggers too! And I'm so glad I got to join the event eventhough I'm a nail polish blogger and not a beauty blogger. I had fun and I learned quite a lot!
Big thanks to everyone who participated:
Also huge thanks to Sokos!
Lauantaina pääsin viettämään aikaa muutaman kauneusblogistin kanssa täällä Joensuussa. Sokos järjesti meille samantyyppisen kauneustunnin kuin missä kävimme marraskuussa kynsiharrastajien kanssa, mutta tällä kertaa esittelyssä oli mm. talvi-ihon hoitoa ja kevään uusia tuotteita ja lookkeja. Kauneustunti oli taas kerran todella mielenkiintoinen ja opettavainen, ja oli mukavaa päästä taas testailemaan uusia tuotteita.
Sokokselta siirryimme ensin porukalla syömään Amarilloon ja sen jälkeen jatkoimme Dazzling Glow blogin MariaGlown luokse, jossa kirppistelimme hieman toisillemme ylimääräisiä tuotteita, jutustelimme ja nautimme Marian ihanista tarjoiluista. Maria lahjoi myös meitä jokaista pienellä paketilla, omastani paljastui Clarinsin HydraQuench Cream ja Christina Aguileran tuoksunäyte. Tuosta rasvasta olen kyllä erityisen innoissani!
Mizz Annie oli hommannut meille Livboxin sponsoroimaan ja saimme kaikki siis myös tammikuun boxit kotiin viemisiksi. Minulla oli jo ennestään yksi boksi kotona, kun tilasin sen taas vaihteeksi itselleni, mutta ei tuo toinen kappale ollut ollenkaan pahitteeksi, sillä laatikossa oli useita mukavia tuotteita. Mizz Annie arpoo blogissaan muuten yhden boksin, eli suunnatkaahan sinne jos haluatte tuollaisen Livboxin itsellenne, sunnuntaihin aikaa osallistua. Kauneustunnin lisäksi Sokos antoi meille kaikille myös mukaan pienet kassit, joista löytyi Clarinsin silmämeikinpoistoaine, ripsiväri ja kiva pieni pussukka sekä Escadan tuoksunäyte.
Oli mahtavaa päästä tapaamaan myös paikallisia kauneusbloggaajia ja oli hienoa, että he huolivat tällaisen 'pelkän' kynsiblogistin joukkoonsa. Kaikkien osallistujien blogit on linkattu tuohon ylemmäs eli jos haluatte lukaista lisää tästä miitistä tai muista jutuista, käykäähän kurkkimassa sieltä. Kiitokset siis vielä minun puolestani kaikille osallistujille ja tietenkin myös Sokokselle!