Small Hauls from Ebay, Harlow&Co. & Llarowe

Today I have some little hauls to show you guys!

This OPI Mariah Carey Pure 18K White Gold & Silver Top Coat is from Ebay. I'm not really a big gold person, so I didn't get that gold top coat that OPI did last year, but I love white gold & silver, so I just had to have this. I don't also really care too much about Mariah Carey and I kinda wish this was part of some other OPI collection, but oh well... I've heard that some people have had some problems with this one, because in some polishes the base of the polish has been yellowish instead of clear as it should be. Thankfully mine was clear one, so I can use it over lighter colors too! This one wish of course a bit more expensive than a regular polish as it contains real white gold and silver, but it's also a bit more special, so I felt like this was something that I could splurge on just a bit.

Then these two KBShimmer fall collection polishes, Teal Another Tail and Every Nook & Cranberry, are of course from Harlow&Co. I just wanted these two from the fall collection as I'm trying not to buy every single glitter polish & topper out there and these seemed more versitile. I got these in a group order, so I didn't have to order just two polishes alone. They both look so really amazing in the bottle, I can't wait to try them on!
Then last off is my small order from Llarowe. I managed to get two of those Colors by Llarowe polishes before they were discontinued. These are Behead the Drama Queen and Good Fortune. I also really wanted to try those termo polishes by Dance Legend, so I chose couple of those glittery ones that they had in stock. These are numbers 181 and 182. If you are interested to see a sneak peek of the color change these have, I shot couple of short videos to Instagram.

Here's some close-up bottle shots for you guys:
So, did I buy anything interesting? Which ones did you guys like the most?


Vuorossa siis pikainen ostospostaus. OPIn Mariah Carey Pure 18K White Gold & Silver Top Coatin ostin Ebaysta ja onneksi tässä omassani sattui olemaan kirkas pohja! Kynsikoristelut Facebookryhmässähän on käyty asiasta keskustelua ja monelle oli harmittavasti sattunut sellainen versio, jossa pohja ei ollut kirkas vaan ennemminkin likaisen keltainen. 

Molemmat KBShimmerit ovat syksyn kokoelmasta ja nämä olivat oikeastaan ainoat lakat, jotka siitä kokoelmasta halusin. Koitan välttää kaikkien maailman glitterlakkojen keräilyä, joten Teal Another Tail ja Every Nook & Cranberry tuntuivat järkevämmiltä vaihtoehdoilta. Molemmat ovat todella upeita pullossa ainakin!

Loput neljä lakkaa tilasin Llarowelta, kun oli viimeinen mahdollisuus napata itselleen joitakin noita Colors by Llarowen lakkoja, jotka poistuvat valikoimista. Onnistuin jopa saamaan molemmat lakat, jotka halusin: Behead the Drama Queenin ja Good Fortunen. Lisäksi otin tilaukseen mukaan kaksi Dance Legendin väriä vaihtavaa lakkaa, numerot 181 ja 182. Nämä ovat siis tosiaankin niitä glitterisiä versioita ja odotan innolla näiden kokeilemista kynsille! Ainakin kuumaan veteen kastettuna toimivat mainiosti... Kuvasin tästä pikku pätkät Instagramiin, joten kannattaa sieltä käydä kurkkimassa.

Oliko yhtään kiinnostavia ostoksia?