Maybelline Express Remover Review

Today I have someting little bit different for you guys as I'm doing a review but this time instead of nail polish this is about a nail polish remover product. I got this Maybelline Express Remover can for a review quite a while ago and I did these pictures for this review a while back too, but as I've told you before, my laptop broke and so I lost some pictures. But now I finally have those pictures back and I can write this review! 

Normally I use a really cheap nail polish remover that you can buy from a local market/supermarket that only contains acetone and castor oil. I know some say that you shouldn't use acetone on your nails, but I'm not patient enough to use those non-acetone ones and I believe that if you just moisturize proberly after using a nail polish remover, it doesn't really matter which remover your use. But anyhow, this Maybelline one is a acetone free one.

Inside the can looks like this ->
So there's this black sponge inside and you are supposed just to stick your finger in there and with one dip the remover promises to remove your nail polish. Of course the sponge is covered with nail polish remover and there's also some loose fluid at the bottom of the can (so be careful not to spill it like I did).

The smell of this one is really strong. If you ask me, it really smells like it would have acetone in it, which it doesn't. But yeah, if you are sensitive to smells, this isn't probably for you. However, I didn't find the smell too bothering as pretty much all the nail polish removers stink.

Also, I want to state that if you have a problem with seeing yellowish nails, then you can stop reading here as my nails are quite yellow! This doesn't really bother me too much as I do wear nail polish all the time, so you can't really tell they are yellow.

I used this to remove three different manicures and took some pictures to demonstrate the removal.
First I have this glittery polish with creme base (the polish is Cadillaquer Remember Me and you can check my post about the mani here). I deliverately didn't want to try to remove straight on glitter polish with this one as I'd use the foil method for those kind of polishes in any case, but I wanted to see how this would handle a polish that still has quite a bit of glitter in it. 

Here I had a base coat, three coats of the glittery polish, top coat and even a matte top coat, so total of six coats of polish (quite a lot!)

First I did the one dip with a one swirl around (because to be honest, one dip to anything wouldn't really do anything to six coats of polish). Soo, with this some of that creme base (and of course the coats of top coats) already came of, but there's still quite a much of polish and all those glitters left.

Couple more swirls and the nail looks like this. So pretty much all but those larger glitters and some of those smaller ones have come off. This is quite usual situation when removing polishes that have glitter in, you get everything else off but those glitters stick on the nail real hard.

So, I sticked my finger in to the can, left it there just a little while and then swirled couple of times. That really got rid of all those glitters. So one dip didn't really do anything, but I'd say this still did quite a good job of removing a glittery polish and it didn't really take that much time. Of course you have to do each nail separately, but as there isn't any mess (because everything stays in the can) you can easily do this anywhere, like for example when you're watching tv.
Then I tried it with another mani:
Here I have two coats of Zoya Godiva with base coat (you can read the full post of this mani here). It's a textured polish, but there's no big glitters or anything like that in it. So I had total of three coats of polish here.

With only one swirl the polish looked like this. So some polish has already come off, but there still quite much left.

Then couple of swirls more and pretty much everything came off. There still a little bit of those shimmers around the cuticle area and the easiest thing to get rid of those is to use a regular nail polish and cotton wipe. So I'd say with this mani the removal was really easy and quite effortless.

And then the third mani:
So this was a mani with Mavala Roma and some nail foil (you can check the full post here). I had here base coat, two coats of the polish, couple coats of top coat, the nail foil and another coat of top coat. So again total of six coats of polish plus that nail foil. Red nail polishes can be sometimes hard to remove if they are really pigmented as they tend to stain your skin, so let's see what happens here...

I started with couple of swirls because I thought one wouldn't do the job, and well, that nearly removed all the polish. Also, I didn't have no staining whatsoever.
One swirl more and everything came off! So again, the removal was really quick and really effortless!

So overall this Maybelline Express Remover worked quite well, though it really didn't remove the polish with just one dip like it promised, but then again, if you'd have just one coat of polish and no base or top coat (which I of course don't recommend) then the one dip promise might just be true. Also, eventhough the smell of the remover is really strong if you smell it straight from the can, the smell doens't stick to you nails or skin. Actually, they smell quite good after using this, but of course you need to wash your hands after using a nail polish remover...

BUT I have couple of problems with this one. First off, this isn't really a remover that lasts long as if you use it to remove anything else than creme polishes (glitters, shimmers and so on), all that stuff sticks to the sponge and when you use it over and over again, soon the sponge is full of those glitters and such. Also, that sponge isn't the most long-lasting one, because after just couple of uses I started to get little black particles all over my fingers and nails when using this. This happens especially if you use it to remove glitter polishes. The biggest problem though that I have is the price. I'm not sure how much this exactly costs in a store, but I think it's something between six to eight euros which is really quite much if you ask me! My regular polish remover costs under two euros and as a nail polish addict, I use quite a much nail polish remover, so the price of this Maybelline one is just too high for me. I still think it's a quite handy thing in some situations, but I won't be using it on regular basis.

*The product in this post was sent for me to review, for more information see my disclosure policy.


Tänään arvostelussa siis Maybellinen Express Remover kynsilakanpoistoainepurkki. Tässä poistoaineessa ei ole asetoonia, ja tämä toimii siis niin, että sormi tyrkätään tuon sienen sisään ja näin lakan pitäisi irrota. Purkin kyljessä luvataan jopa että aine poistaa lakan yhdellä sormen kastamisella purkkiin. Tein teille havainnollistamista varten kuvat kolmen eri manikyyrin poistosta tällä purkilla ja kuten kuvista näkyy, mikään manikyyri ei lähtenyt yhdellä kastamisella. Itse asiassa jokaisessa käytin vähintään 1-2 pyöräytystä ja toiset (varsinkin tuo glitterinen) vaativat useita pyöräytyksiä purkissa. Tuollaiset glitteriset lakat lähtevät tällä paremmin itse asiassa niin, että antaa sormensa olla hetken aikaa purkissa ja sitten pyöräyttää hieman sientä vasten.

Glitterittömien lakkojen kanssa tämä toimi varsin hyvin ja lakat lähtivät melko helposti. Aine haisee aika vahvasti, eli jos olet herkkä hajuille, tämä ei välttämättä ole sinua varten. Tosin haju ei kyllä jää sormiin tai kynsiin millään tavalla, käytön jälkeen kynnet itseasiassa tuoksuvat melko hyville, tosin tietysti kädet pitää käytön jälkeen pestä! 

Käyttökokemukset tästä jäivät siis positiiviselle puolelle, mutta minua häiritsi myös muutama seikka. Ensinnäkin, jos purkkia käyttää muiden kuin cremelakkojen poistoon, kertyvät kaikki glitterit sun muut tuohon sieneen ja sitten myöhemmin tätä käyttäessä ne ovat tietysti pitkin sormia. Lisäksi tuo sieni ei ole maailman kestävin, eli varsinkin jos tätä käyttää glitterlakkojen poistoon, alkaa siitä irtoilla pieniä palasia pikkuhiljaa. Minulle kuitenkin se huonoin puoli tässä on hinta. En ihan tarkkaa hintaa tälle nyt tähän hätään muistanut, mutta muistelisin kuitenkin nähneeni tätä myynnissä noin 6-8€:n hintaan ja se on minusta aika paljon, jos verrataan esimerksi tavallisesti käyttämääni X-tran poistoaineeseen! Varsinkin kun kynsilakka-addiktina tuon purnukan sieni ei kovin kauaa hyvänä kestä... Kätevä tämä on kyllä käyttää, sillä sotkut pysyvät purkissa, mutta jatkuvaan käyttöön en silti tätä ottaisi.

*Olen saanut tuotteen arvioitavaksi.