IsaDora Sugar Crush Fall Polishes

I have three new IsaDora Sugar Crush polishes to show you guys today! IsaDora already did some gorgeous textured polishes before, but they have now added six new fall shades to the Sugar Crush line. The Finnish importer of IsaDora offered me some of these new shades to try, and I got to choose the ones that interested me most. I'd like to ask you guys to also read the end of this post as I have some information there about a little change here in my blog, but first I will take about the polishes!
So I ended up choosing these three that are called Metal Crush, Chameleon Crush and Emerald Crush. These three seemed the most interesting and unique to me, and I have to say that they look really gorgeous already in the bottle!
Before I show you the swatches I want to say just a little something in general about these polishes. These are actually the first IsaDora Sugar Crush polishes that I have tried and I have to say that I really liked these! They all covered nicely with just two coats and they dried really quickly. The wide brush maked the applying really easy, though for my pinky nail it's almost too wide, but I still managed with it. The texture effect is pretty much like the name suggests, like sugar on your nails. It's not too gritty, but it's definately there.

So first off is Chameleon Crush, a really gorgeous purple with golden shimmer that shifts to a greenish color in some angles. I can't really tell you how much I love this one! If you have read my blog for a little bit longer time you probably know that I adore polishes like this and especially Zoya Daul/Orly Oui! and Chameleon Crush very much reminds me of those polishes, though the purple base is more blue toned. 

I just couldn't get over the fact of how beautiful this is! This really has to be my favourite textured polish. It really hadn't even occured to me that they someone could make a textured polish with this particular style, but if I had thought about it, this definately would have been the one that I would have wanted to be made. It's like a dream come true that I didn't even know I had, lol.

Yeah, you all probably already got that I love this one, right.... So if you share my love to nail polishes with this type of golden shimmer, you should definately get this! If you ask me, you should run to the store as fast as you can and get this, it truly is so gorgeous!
The next one is Emerald Crush and it's quite unique textured polish, or at least I haven't seen a polish like this yet. It has very dark base with gorgeous emerald shimmer. The shimmer is a bit more dominant in the bottle than it is on nail and I kinda wish it would have looked on nail just as it looks in the bottle, but still, this is also quite a gorgeous one.

I don't usually like polishes that look too dark/black on nail, but I didn't have that problem with this one. The emerald shimmer really gives this quite lively look and the overall appearance isn't too black because of that.

This was surprisingly the sheerest one of these. With the first coat it looked really sheer, the second coat still covered enough for me, but if you have longer nails you might need a third coat. That's not really an issue though as these dry really fast.

And then the last one is called Metal Crush, a gorgeous metallic color with a lilac/purple hint. Or at least it looks that way to me. This one is really an interesting color, it's not by any means silver or anything like that, but the look is still very metallic. It's one of those colors, that you really need to see your self.

At first glance this one is the simplest one of these three as the color is quite flat, but at the same time, the color is still really interesting. So I really liked this one too!

My favourite on of these three was hands down Chameleon Crush, but the other two didn't really have chance here with me just because of the colors of Chameleon Crush. If you're just going to get one, then I say Chameleon Crush is the one to get. But if you have room in your stash for couple more textured polishes then you should really check these other two out too as they are both really great colors! So it's safe to say that I really liked all three of these and pretty much the only complaint I have with these is the price. The polishes cost 8,90€ which is quite expensive if you consider the amount they have (only 6ml). But then again, for me at least Chameleon Crush would be way worth of spending that money.

Like I said, there are total of six new fall colors, so in addition to these three there are also polishes called Gold Crush, Wine Crush and Black Crush. The names pretty much tell you the colors of those polishes. 

*The polishes in this post were sent for me to review, for more information see my disclosure policy.
I also wanted to let you guys know that I have decided to start writing a little something in Finnish to every post. I'm just basically going to sum the post up in Finnish, so that my Finnish readers will have a chance to read the basics about the post in their own language if they want. This is something that people have frequently asked me to do and I decided to give it a try. If this bothers you in any way or you have something else to say about this, please let me know and I will take it into consideration when I'm deciding if I'm gonna do this in the future too.

Hei vaan kaikki suomalaiset lukijani! Eli tästä päivästä lähtien ajattelin aloittaa tällaisen pienen kokeilun, jossa kirjoittelen joka postauksen loppuun pienen suomennoksen postauksesta. Tätä on pyydetty jo monesti ja ajattelin nyt kokeilla tätä. Mielelläni kuulisin myös kommentteja tästä, eli jos jotain sanottavaa asiasta löytyy puolesta tai vastaan, niin jättäkään kirjoittakaa kommentteihin ihmeessä siitä! Oletettavastihan suurin osa teistä kykenee myös varsin hyvin nuo englanniksi kirjoitetut sepustukset lukemaan, mutta jatkossa on siis mahdollista lukaista postauksien lopusta myös hieman jotakin suomeksi. En siis todellakaan aio kirjoitella kaikkia samoja asioita kahteen kertaan, eli nämä suomennokset tulevat olemaan varsin lyhyitä tiivistelmiä ja jos lakassa/lakkauksessa jokin asia jää kiinnostamaan/mietityttämään jne. kannattaa aina taitojen salliessa tarkistaa englanniksi kirjoitetusta osiosta lisätietoja.

Mutta siis, tänään esittelyssä olivat siis kolme IsaDoran syksyistä Sugar Crush tekstuurilakkaa. Laatu näissä oli varsin oivallinen, kaikki peittivät kahdella kerroksella ja kuivuivat todella nopeasti. Suosikkini oli ehdottomasti Chameleon Crush, en vain voi vastustaa tuon sävyisiä lakkoja! Myös kaksi muuta, eli Emerald Crush ja Metal Crush ovat molemmat todella nättejä sävyjä ja ehdottomasti tarkastamisen arvoisia.
*Postauksen lakat on saatu kokeiltaviksi.