I Love Me -Event

If you guys follow me and my blog on Instagram or on Facebook, you have already probably noticed that yeasterday I was in Helsinki and I spent the whole day at the I Love Me event. So now I have some pictures from the event to show you guys and also all the nail related things that I bought from there. I mainly took pictures at NailCity (Finnish importer of Zoya) and CesarsShop (Finnish etailer) stands as there were so many people around that it was a bit hard to take any pictures and I didn't really want to spend all my time there with a camera in my hand. But these two had the best nail polish related stuff anyway...

So I started the day from the NailCity stand and I took quite a few of pictures as I loooove Zoya and all those bottles looked so gorgeous.

Then the CesarsShop stand which was cutely decorated in pink! The stand was really full of nail related stuff and also people, so it was a bit difficult to get any pictures. But it was really nice to meet Satu from the CesarsShop in person as I've only emaild and talked on the phone before with her.

They had some nice offers and also new collections from OPI, China Glaze, Orly and Color Club, so I took quite a few pictures...

There were also quite a few other stands that sold all nail related stuff like glitters, other nail polish brands, nail art stuff and really quite a lot of artificial nails related stuff. Also some were offering quick manicures with different techniques.

But you all are probably also interested in what I bought, right? So here's my nail stuff related haul:

Of course I had to buy some Zoyas. Thankfully they still had those Ornate collection polishes from last year as I've been wanting to buy Aurora and Blaze quite a while and now I finally have those! The two blues have been on my wishlist for a while too (though I do own a dupe for Charla, but I still wanted it) and the dusty purple I bought on a whim. So these are from left to right: Zuza (mini), Aurora, Blaze, Neeka and Charla.
I was also really glad to see that Mereneid was there too as I have been wanting to buy a nail art brush from there for a while, but I thought it wouldn't be very reasonable just to order one brush. So now I finally got the Artist 4 brush and I also bought Finesse 2/0 brush. I quite liked the Mereneid top coat that we got from our meeting and I have used it pretty much all already, so I bought another one as it was quite cheap and it dryes really fast!
I was trying to limit a bit the number of polishes I bought, so I only got two from the CesarsShop. Actually, Satu was really kind and she gave me that OPI one eventhough I was going to buy it myself. So technically I bought only that Color Club one. These are of course OPI Alcatraz... Rocks! and Color Club The Uptown. 
And then lastly I also bought two CND Effects polishes on a whim as these were only 1€ per polish. These are Gold Pearl and Scarlet Shimmer.
And of course I had to take some close-up pictures too:

I also bought some hair related stuff and some tea and such, but mainly my focus was of course in these nail polishes. I really liked the fact that you also got some free samples and such from the event, for example Moroccan Oil gave free bags and small bottles of their oils to everybody! That was really awesome! 

Besides these stands, I enjoyed some little lectures about beauty and cooking. It was actually quite fun as there were some Finnish 'celebrities' there cooking and talking about things, that was quite entertaining to see! Overall I really liked the event and I'm so glad I got to visit it for the first time in my life, so big thanks to Messukeskus who provided the ticket for me! It was quite exhausting though to first travel to Helsinki for quite a few hours, then spent the whole day at the event and then travel back home... But then again, I'd probably do that again if I'd have to! :)


Vähän joka blogissa on jo näköjään keritty postailemaan I Love Me -messuista, mutta tässäpä tulee siis kuitenkin vielä minun postaukseni aiheesta! Olin siis eilen messuilla oikeastaan koko päivän ja napsin aluksi muutamia yleiskuvia, lähinnä NailCityn ja CesarsShopin pisteiltä, kun en kuitenkaan halunnut ravata koko päivää kamera kädessä. NailCityn pisteessä oli tietysti hyllyt täynnä Zoyan lakkoja ja taisin useampaan kertaan huokailla, että tällaiset hyllyt huolisin kotiinikin (tietysti niin että nuo lakat tulisivat mukana). 

CesarsShopin pisteessä kävi koko ajan hirveä kuhina, joten kuvienkin saaminen tuotti vähän hankaluuksia, kun jokaisessa meinasi ollu jonkun käsi tai muu koko ajan edessä... Piste oli kuitenkin sisutettu ihanan pinkiksi ja tavaraa oli yllin kyllin! Kuvailin lähinnä noita uudempia kokoelmia eri merkeiltä, kun niitä oli kiva päästä itsekin hipeltämään ja näkemään livenä. Mukava oli myös tietysti tavata Satu ihan livenä, kun ainoastaan sähköpostin ja puhelimen välityksellä olen hänen kanssaan aiemmin asioinut!

Messujen kauneuspuolella oli aika runsaasti erilaisia kynsiin liittyviä juttuja, mutta NailCity ja CesarsShop olivat kyllä itselleni ne mieluisimmat. Monessa paikassa tarjottiin myös mm. erilaisia pikamanikyyrejä eri tekniikoilla jne. Kynsijuttujen lisäksi kuuntelin mielläni muutamat kauneusaiheiset luennot ja kävin myös katsomassa Vappu Pimiän ja Jussi69:n ruuanlaittoa. Näitä oli kyllä ihan hauska seurata, kun kerran aikaa oli!

Ostokset painottuivat minulla lähinnä kynsilakkoihin eli mukaan lähti viisi Zoyan lakkaa, Mereneidiltä päällilakka ja kaksi sivellintä, CesarsShopista OPIn ja Color Clubin lakat (joista Satu todella ystävällisesti minulle tuon OPIn lahjoitti) sekä kaksi CND:n efektilakkaa. Näiden lisäksi ostin mm. hiustuotteita ja teetä, mutta niitä en nyt tähän kuitenkaan kuvannut. Bonusta oli tietysti messuilta saadut ilmaisnäytteet, itse olin ainakin ihan innoissani Moroccan Oilin hiusöljynäytteistä! Kaikenkaikkiaan viihdyin siis messuilla hyvin, vaikka toki päivän lopuksi olo olikin aika uupunut, kun täältä Joensuusta piti messuja varten matkata Helsinkiin aamulla ja sitten taas illalla vielä takaisin...

Kävittekö te messuilla ja jos, niin mitä teille tarttui mukaan?