Huge Holo Comparison part 3: Purples, Silvers, Blacks and more

In this final part I will have quite a few of purple holographics to show you guys with some black, silver, gold and orange ones too. I also wanted again to remind you that if the sticks look a bit different, that's because I have three different types of those swatch sticks and one type of them were the bad ones, which melt under the polish. So if some polishes look a bit wrinkly and that's because I had a bad patch of sticks, so just ignore that, it's not the fault of the polishes.
But let's start with those purple ones!
So yeah, I have quite a few of these..... The first two pictures (this one and the close-up one) are taken in direct sunlight and the second two are in shade. As you can see, eventhough I have quite a few of these, none of them are really dupes. There are some that are pretty close, for example Perfect H7 and Color Club Eternal Beauty, but even those have some slight difference.
I do know that I don't need this many purple holographics, so I have already gotten rid of two of those Perfect holographics (H1 and H3) as they weren't really that special (they are pretty good holographics nonetheless!). I also sold Color Club Wild At Heart, just because I wasn't too fond of the holographic effect it had and I do have some prettier ones already. I do know that I don't have anything that would be similar colorwise to that one, but there's just no point of keeping them all. Also, I have sold DMGM Cherry Light and China Glaze When Stars Collide, the first one has a quite pretty color, but I chose to keep a-england Sleeping Beauty instead and I just don't like the style and effect of those China Glaze Hologlams.
So from the top row I still have the first one (China Glaze IDK) because I like the color and it's really different from the others (and because it's kinda htf). I also have the last two from the top row, Milani Hi-Res and Catrice Dirty Berry because they are unique ones to me. From the second row, I still have the second one (Color Club Eternal Beauty), the third one (China Glaze LOL), the fourth one (Teeez! Outta Control) and the last one (a-england Lady of the Lake). All those four are different from each other and they all also have quite a good formula (well, maybe not LOL), and of course all the colors are really pretty.
The last row I have only the first one (Catherine Arley #673) and the last one (a-england Sleeping Beauty) as I prefered them over the two others and again, they have quite nice formula and the colors are really pretty.
Then I have the silver ones and the black ones to show you.
As you can see, I only have seven of these, four silvers and three black. All of them are unique, though the black ones are really close to each other. HITS Zeus and Glitter Gal Black 3D/Holo are almost dupes, so I decided I wanted to keep only one of them and I went with the Glitter Gal one. Catherine Arley has a slightly different type of holographic effect compared to that Glitter Gal one, so they both can stay in my stash, at least for now. All those four silvers are quite different from each other and especially Milani HD and a-england Ascalon are really unique ones in my stash. GOSH Holographic and Glitter Gal Silver 3D/Holo are pretty close, but their holographic effect is still different and their formula too. The Glitter Gal one is really sheer, so it suits well for layering. GOSH Holographic has probably the most intense holographic effect from all my holo polishes, so it's definately staying.
Again, the first two pictures are in direct sunlight and the last two are in shade.
Then I only have four other holographics left!
These are all significantly different and I don't really have anything to compare them to. Gold isn't really my color, so I only have two gold holographics, China Glaze GR8 and Milani 3D. I don't really know too many yellow(ish) holographics, so Catherine Arley #801 is really unique in my stash. It isn't really my type of colors, but it's still staying. I would like to own more orange holographics, but those are pretty hard to find too, so I only have Catherine Arley #806.
Phew, now I'm done with these comparisons! Hope these were helpful for you guys, at least they were that to me as I managed to get rid of some polishes that were too close to others and some that I didn't really like in the first place. But tell me guys, which ones did you like the most?
Tänään on siis vuorossa viiminen osio holovertailuista ja esittelyssä violetit, mustat, hopeiset, kultaiset ja oranssi ja keltainen. Ekan osion holovertailuista voit kurkata täältä ja tokan täältä, jos ne on jääneet välistä (ne on tosin ainoastaan englanniksi). Vaikka noita violetteja onkin kertynyt runsaasti, mitkään eivät ole kuitenkaan keskenään täysin samanlaisia, mutta useamman onnistuin kuitenkin tuosta satsista karsimaan, lähinnä vaan miettimällä mitkä lakoista ovat mieleisimpiä minulle. Hopeisia/mustia löytyy kokoelmista ainoastaan seitsemän ja hopeiset eroaa toisistaan kaikki aika lailla. Nuo kolme mustaa ovat keskenään melko samanlaisia, joten HITSin Zeusille on jo löytynyt uusi koti, mutta ainakin vielä Catherine Arley ja Glitter Gal saivat jäädä. Loput neljä poikkeaa kaikkia toisistaan hyvinkin paljon eikä niissä oikeen tietysti ollutkaan vertailtavaa. Kulta ei vaan ole minun väri, joten niitä ei siitä syystä löydy enempää. Keltaisia tai oransseja holoja on aika harvassa, vaikka mielelläni omistaisin enemmänkin ainakin oransseja holoja. Toivottavasti näistä vertailuista oli teillekin jotakin hyötyä, ainakin nämä helpotti karsimaan omaa kokoelmaa!