Essie Winter 2013 Collection: Swatches and Review

Yesterday I showed you my swatches of Essie's fall collection, but today I have already also the Essie winter collection to share with you guys. I got this one also for review, but this time from a Finnish etailer and I did the swatches of these for their website too. The Essies that they sell have the thinner brush and you all know already that I would prefer the wider brush, but I have to say that I didn't have any issues with these and the thin brush. The formula of these were really nice, so they were quite easy to work with even with that thin brush.

This winter collection is called Shearling Darling and again as usual it has six different polishes in it. Three of the polishes are cremes, two are shimmers and one is a glitter.

Like I said, these were really easy to work with and I have used two easy coats for all these swatches. The swatches are also done without any base or top coat if I don't state otherwise.

Mind You Mittens is a really dark green teal creme. This kinda reminds me of that really dark blue from the fall collection called After School Boy Blazer, as they are all really dark hues that are borderline black, so these two could be nail polish brothers. However, somehow I felt like Mind Your Mittens didn't look as black as ASBB did. This was so easy to work with and it went on perfectly with two easy coats.

I also have to state that if you have seen this collection already somewhere you might be wondering about the fact that I'm calling this color Mind Your Mittens instead of Parka Perfect. Well, it seems there has been some mix-up somewhere and some people have the bottles labeled like I do and some have them the otherway around. I really don't know which way they should truly be and no one else seems to know either, so I just used those names that are in my bottles:
So the lighter color is Parka Perfect and the darker is Mind Your Mittens in my bottles, but I can't say if this is really right... This collection isn't yet on Essie's official website, so I couldn't check how they are in there, but as soon as it gets there, maybe then we'll have some clarity over the issue.

But at least for now, this is Parka Perfect, a dusty grey with blue/green undertones with that gorgeous shimmer that Essie does so well and that I really love. With this one though, the shimmer is really subtle and it's not really too visible, which is a bit shame, but the color is still really gorgeous. This was a little bit on the thick side, but it was still quite easy to work with and it covered well with two coats.

Sable Collar is a really unique mix grey-ish and raisin base packed with coppery, pale pink and burgundy shimmer. Wow, this one is really something else! I have to say I have never ever had a polish like this, it's truly unique color and it's really really gorgeous! I don't usually like too much of any brownish nail polishes, but I just loved this one! The formula was again great, two really easy coats. It's the type of polish that is a bit prone to visible brush strokes, but they aren't really too visible to bother in any way.

Shearling Darling is the namesake of the collection and it's a really deep burgundy creme. This one had some jellly-ish features, but it still covered really well with two coats and it was overall really easy to work with. It's really gorgeous vampy color and super glossy.

Toggle To The Top is the obvious holiday polish of this collection with it's magenta glitter and deep ruby base. I used one coat of top coat with this, but I should have probably used two coats to level out those glitters. This immediately made me think of another Essie polish, Leading Lady, which is really similar, but these are still not dupes. Leading Lady is clearly more warm toned true red whereas Toggle To The Top is cooler toned. I'll try to do a little comparison of these two as soon as possible as I happen to own them both!

But yeah, this will certainly be perfect polish for the holidays. It was again really easy to work with, the formula was great and I only needed two easy coats for full coverage.

Last but not least is Warm & Toasty Turtleneck, a dusty lilac creme. This is a bit weird one, as at least I would picture this more suitable for spring (or maybe fall) collection, but yet it somehow works. It's also a really gorgeous color and it was again very easy to work with and I don't have any complaints about the formula.

My favourite one of this collection has to be Sable Collar, it's soooooo gorgeous! If you are only getting one polish from this collection, that one is really the one to get. I can sincerely say that I feel like it is really a must-have. I also loved Warm & Toasty Turtleneck and Parja Perfect, they are both really my type of colors and they are also suitable for other seasons than just winter. Toggle To The Top is really a perfect holiday polish and if you don't own Leading Lady already, then I'd say you should check this Toggle one out. The last two dark cremes, Mind Your Mittens and Shearling Darling both had really great formula and they are both gorgeous colors, but maybe I'm not so used to wearing such dark polishes. But if you guys like those darker hues, then these are really worth getting as the formula was so nice.

Tell me guys, which ones were your favourites?

*The polishes in this post were sent for me to review, for more information see my disclosure policy.


Eilen sain esiteltyä Essien syyskokoelman viimein pois alta, joten nyt on vuorossa jo talvikokoelma! Sain tämän kokoelman lakat testiin CesarsShopista, ja laittelen linkit tähän lakkoihin vain teidän avuksenne, en siis hyödy klikkauksista mitenkään.

Essien talvikokoelma on nimeltään Shearling Darling ja kokoelmaan kuuluu tavalliseen tapaan kuusi lakkaa:

Mind Your Mittens - todella tumma sinivihreä creme, joka tummemmassa valaistuksessa näyttää melkein mustalta
Parka Perfect - vaalea likaisen harmaa sinisillä/vihreillä pohjasävyillä ja kauniilla shimmerillä
Sable Collar - uniikki harmahtavan rusinainen sävy, jossa on todella upea shimmer! (Sävyn kuvailu ei ehkä kuulosta kaikista houkuttelevimmalta, mutta uskokaa pois, tämä on todella kaunis lakka!)
Shearling Darling - tumma viininpunainen creme
Toggle To The Top - magentan värisillä glittereillä pakattu rubiininpunainen, täydellinen joululakka!
Warm & Toasty Turleneck - kaunis likaisen sävyinen lila creme

Näistä omaksi suosikiksi nousi ehdottomasti Sable Collar, lakka on todella upean värinen ja ainakin omasta mielestäni myös todella uniikki. Voin kyllä sanoa, että tämä kannattaa ainakin hankkia! Parka Perfect ja Warm & Toasty Turtleneck ovat molemmat myös ihan täysin minun tyylisiä lakkoja, joten tykkäsin kummastakin hirmuisesti. Toggle To The Top on todellakin täydellinen joululakka ja jos et vielä omista vastaavanlaista, niin tämä kannattaa myös katsastaa. Mind You Mittens ja Shearling Darling ovat molemmat tosi tummia lakkoja ja itse en ihan näin tummissa viihdy, mutta jos etsit tämän tyyppisiä sävyjä, niin nämä ovat molemmat todella hyvin levittyviä yksilöitä ja hyvin pigmenttisiä. Tykkäsin tästäkin Essien kokoelmasta kovasti ja vaikka CesarsShopin Essiet ovatkin niitä kapeampi sutisia, niin minulla ei ollut ongelmia yhdenkään lakan kanssa levittämisen suhteen. Kaikki myös peittivät kahdella kerroksella!

Mind Your Mittensin ja Parka Perfectin nimien kanssa on ilmeisesti jossain kohti käynyt jonkinlainen sekaannus ja monissa blogeissa lakkojen nimet ovat juuri toisinpäin kuin itselläni. En kuitenkaan löytänyt mistään varmaa tietoa, miten nimien kuuluisi todellisuudessa olla, joten käytin näissä nimiä niin kuin ne ovat minun pulloissani.

Tämä Essien talvikokoelma on siis jo myynnissä CesarsShopissa ja lokakuun ajan siellä on myös ilmaiset postikulut! 

Mutta kertokaahan ihmeessä mitkä oli teidän suosikkeja tästä kokoelmasta!

*Lakat on lähetetty minulle arvioitavaksi, mielipiteet niistä ovat täysin minun omiani.